So, I graduated from college and so did my friends. It is clear that we had to do something fun and cool to celebrate!!! Iowa State University's colors are red and gold... Light painting is kinda fun... This was my solution to our current lack of graduation photos in our cap and gowns.
Alberto confidently crossing his arms during an AWESOME photoshoot! ;)
For those interested in how I accomplished this. I took two flashes, a silver umbrella, and red flashlight with some gels as well to achieve the looks. We turned off all the lights to get rid of any ambient light contaminating the scene. The silver umbrella with a flash inside is camera left at head height to freeze him in place. Alberto is standing about 5 feet from the wall behind him, and behind him and left is a flash with a yellow gel attached on a flash stand. I stood camera left with the red flashlight shining it on Alberto as the camera went off on a timer. It took a lot of trial and error, but we eventually got the look right!