The Journey vs the Goal

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I am like most people focused on some sort of objective. I want to win a contest, have a gallery, speak at a convention, or whatever that may be. It becomes an obsession of mine and the last thing on my mind is the path there and all of the milestones dotted along it. Ignoring the journey, I suddenly find myself at some point of achievement without realizing and appreciating all of the things that went into it.

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I hear it all the time how we should be in-tune to every step and enjoy the finer details. Still, it gets lost on me and is one of my weaknesses. The race is always on from point to point and the scenery along the way is only a distraction. It is such an empty feeling though to talk about or reflect on successes or achievements. All I have to say is “yes, I did that”!

Focusing on the experience is going deeper rather than collecting titles and ribbons. It is harder to think about and remember the stories and to do an even better job of sharing them with others. It should be about the journey to wherever you ended up because life is far more interesting with have a few good stories from experience than it is to have a long list of accomplishments.

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