
Cheap Landscape Photography Destinations - North America

Cheap Landscape Photography Destinations - North America

The United States offers brilliant locations that landscape photographers around the world put on their bucket lists. It is for good reasons that these locations have become as popular as they are now, but with the increasing popularity comes some bottlenecking in locations not being able to handle the volume.

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Winter Photography Gear Tips

Winter Photography Gear Tips

Landscape photography presents many opportunities in the winter months! The second worst choice as a landscape photographer is to stay inside at home. The worst choice is to go out to these beautiful places unprepared for what mother nature is going to throw at you! So, let’s take a look at what it takes to capture images in the winter months without sacrificing your safety, sanity, or serenity. 

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My Favorite Photography Purchase - 2019

My Favorite Photography Purchase - 2019

One of my most recent purchases was an Apple Watch. Since using it for a couple months at this point, I feel confident in saying that it is one of my best purchases for photography that I have made! 

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A Few Bad Apples in Landscape Photography

A Few Bad Apples in Landscape Photography

I like to think the photography community is a positive one. It is filled with great people that are very passionate about art, helping others, and helping to expand it to more and more people. However, no matter how many good photographers there are that are out there, a few bad apples spoil the barrel. 

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Tall Poppy Syndrome

Tall Poppy Syndrome

There is a climb to the top that most including myself are on. Everyone is taking their own path or forging a new one and each journey is interesting to look at in hindsight. There is a concerning part though in how some are making their own way or rather bringing others down to elevate themselves.

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Professional vs Amateur Photography

Professional vs Amateur Photography

Photographers love to talk about and dream of the title of being a ‘professional photographer’. It stems from what I believe to be a pipe dream of ambition to break free from a more monotonous life. This ‘professional photographer’ that we all idolize is someone who shoots all the time, has the best images, makes a ton of money, and has all of the gear. This daydream is just as false as it is dangerous to our amateurism in photography. Plainly put, being a professional photographer isn’t all its cracked up to be. Let me explain…

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