landscape art

5 Worst Types of Landscape Photographers

5 Worst Types of Landscape Photographers

There are some types of landscape photographers I can’t stand. While it is easy to point out other’s flaws, it is not so easy to remember that when you point at someone else you have three fingers pointing back at yourself. So, while I am going to tell you about 5 types of photographers or traits that are less than desirable (according to myself) I am also keenly aware that I have been guilty of these at one point or another as well!

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Seascapes - A different approach

Seascapes - A different approach

There are many options to photograph on the coast capturing images of seascapes. It is all too easy to understand the golden light from sunrise/sunset works well and shoot ultra-wide images including the sea, sand, and sky. This is a limiting frame of mind to be in though as it takes the entire day of landscape photography and boils it down to 1-2 hours at the beginning and end. 

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How long will our art be around?

How long will our art be around?

We all have different goals and ideas of what we want our images to be. Many photographers are content allowing their captures to be memories or a simple photograph for themselves and their immediate family to enjoy. I can certainly see how this can be a healthy approach to your photography! However, there are still photographers out there that desire for their art to be upheld on a larger scale, and to perhaps be revered as masters of photography.

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A Growth Mindset

A Growth Mindset

As I concluded in my article on Neuroaesthetics, our brain can tell us a lot about ourselves. The different sections control unique types of tasks and the whole is important for who we are as a person and how we behave. Reverse engineering our behavior then should make it easier for us to understand how to bring the best out of ourselves.

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A Few Bad Apples in Landscape Photography

A Few Bad Apples in Landscape Photography

I like to think the photography community is a positive one. It is filled with great people that are very passionate about art, helping others, and helping to expand it to more and more people. However, no matter how many good photographers there are that are out there, a few bad apples spoil the barrel. 

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Revisiting Locations... Again!

Revisiting Locations... Again!

I have lived in Oregon for a little over two years now and while I enjoy going to new spots I have also found revisiting old ones enjoyable as well! There are plenty of reasons to constantly chase new locations and images, but when I have gone on trips for this purpose many of the images I came home with lacked something in them.

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