iconic shots

5 Worst Types of Landscape Photographers

5 Worst Types of Landscape Photographers

There are some types of landscape photographers I can’t stand. While it is easy to point out other’s flaws, it is not so easy to remember that when you point at someone else you have three fingers pointing back at yourself. So, while I am going to tell you about 5 types of photographers or traits that are less than desirable (according to myself) I am also keenly aware that I have been guilty of these at one point or another as well!

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Letting the Mind Wander

Letting the Mind Wander

When practicing photography it isn’t always easy to compose and capture great images that are uniquely yours. Of course you will need good light and interesting subjects, but this isn’t the whole story.

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Trophy Hunting and Stamp Collecting in Photography

Trophy Hunting and Stamp Collecting in Photography

When starting out in photography I believed I needed to shoot something big, identifiable, and popular. I would travel vast distances to photograph something that had been shot hundreds of times before because it had a formula I could follow. A prescription for the prefect landscape photograph.

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