There are some types of landscape photographers I can’t stand. While it is easy to point out other’s flaws, it is not so easy to remember that when you point at someone else you have three fingers pointing back at yourself. So, while I am going to tell you about 5 types of photographers or traits that are less than desirable (according to myself) I am also keenly aware that I have been guilty of these at one point or another as well!
Thomas has been a big name in landscape photography videos over the last several years. One could even say he pioneered the style or at very least popularized the format he follows of showing off his images. Some of the more artsy videos he puts out are a lot of fun to watch where it may not be him talking at all and you are immersed in the sounds of nature and the click of the shutter. If you have seen his videos before then you must agree his images are "absolutely stunning" as well!