My Favorite Landscape Photography YouTubers

    He started out as a large and medium format photographer with film at a home and garden magazine. A British photographer now located in beautiful British Columbia he is part of a trend in really talented landscape YouTubers happening to be British in nationality. His eye for light and composition developed from here which makes for a different approach than most have in this art. 

    It is refreshing to see his imagery and that tied in with the production value he has been bringing lately with the drone work brings him up to a whole new level! Adam has quickly become a favorite of mine and when he comes out with a new video I drop everything to watch. If I had to recommend subscribing to just one photographer it would have to be his channel.

2. Thomas Heaton

    Thomas has been a big name in landscape photography videos over the last several years. One could even say he pioneered the style or at very least popularized the format he follows of showing off his images. Some of the more artsy videos he puts out are a lot of fun to watch where it may not be him talking at all and you are immersed in the sounds of nature and the click of the shutter. If you have seen his videos before then you must agree his images are "absolutely stunning" as well!

3. Simon Baxter

    There are a lot of talented British photographers in this list and Simon is no exception. Similar to Adam Gibbs he excels at photographing more intimate scenes giving them character, simplicity, and a full story. The video and photos blend together in a perfect example of strong narrative building from the start to finish. His images of gnarly trees engulfed in atmosphere are easy to get lost in, and often the videos depict him walking into these landscapes with his awesome dog (Meg).

4. Ben Horne

    The only American that made this list and the only one that still shoots film. In fact, he still uses an 8x10 camera for his work! The old technology for capturing photos doesn't mean the quality of video decreases though as he has a certain cinematic documentary quality to the videos he puts out. The quality of his images don't degrade either as he can take a scan of a negative and produce prints with detail outside of the reach of any digital camera today! Ben really stands out as a talented photographer on YouTube with a wealth of knowledge about the art of photography.

5. Nigel Danson

    Rounding out this list of photographers is Nigel. He goes into more detail on his journey in photography talking about gear, lessons in photography, and printing work. He also happens to do on location videos that are very raw and show how he works a scene. This is especially helpful to new landscape photographers that should see the full process and why some things work and others don't. If you are looking for some bite-sized videos on different topics Nigel will likely have some good content for you to watch!

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