
How long will our art be around?

How long will our art be around?

We all have different goals and ideas of what we want our images to be. Many photographers are content allowing their captures to be memories or a simple photograph for themselves and their immediate family to enjoy. I can certainly see how this can be a healthy approach to your photography! However, there are still photographers out there that desire for their art to be upheld on a larger scale, and to perhaps be revered as masters of photography.

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Don't Be Like the Louvre with Your Living Room

Don't Be Like the Louvre with Your Living Room

When it comes to art, everyone has their own tastes. The colors that we like and subjects that are portrayed in which we may connect with change with who you are as a person. You can like different mediums with paintings, drawings, photographs, sculptures, etc… However, the most consistent variable that people have a preference for is the size of the works.

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Photography: What's Your Purpose?

Photography: What's Your Purpose?

I have been practicing photography for around five years now. During these last five years, I have become a better photographer, but I would say that when it comes to creating meaningful art, I have only just begun. While images don’t have to be meaningful, I do find that having a purpose behind pressing the shutter makes the process more fulfilling.

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Stress Management: Design and Fine Art

Stress Management: Design and Fine Art

The constant pressure and stress of everyday life are demanding on us. It beats us down and wears out our bodies of energy reserves. Inevitably, we need to turn off and stop because we all have a set capacity for how much we can take. These ‘release valves’ may materialize in many different ways like food/drink, vacation, and entertainment. This is a natural part of the process for everyone, but what if there were an alternative? 

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Letting the Mind Wander

Letting the Mind Wander

When practicing photography it isn’t always easy to compose and capture great images that are uniquely yours. Of course you will need good light and interesting subjects, but this isn’t the whole story.

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Copying Other's Art

Copying Other's Art

This is going to be a bit on the ranting side, but bear with me on this one. There are many individuals out there that see photography as something that is not artistic. At the same time they say paintings, drawings, and other more classical mediums can be classified as art.

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Inadequacy and Not "Good Enough"

Inadequacy and Not "Good Enough"

 I like to think I am an optimistic and positive person. I am lucky to not have many depressing thoughts or times that are that low. Still, I am vulnerable to feeling like I am just not good enough or like I have failed miserably. 

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