landscape prints

How long will our art be around?

How long will our art be around?

We all have different goals and ideas of what we want our images to be. Many photographers are content allowing their captures to be memories or a simple photograph for themselves and their immediate family to enjoy. I can certainly see how this can be a healthy approach to your photography! However, there are still photographers out there that desire for their art to be upheld on a larger scale, and to perhaps be revered as masters of photography.

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Chasing Passion vs Money

Chasing Passion vs Money

I enjoy having money. It is why I work. Money is what makes things possible in many ways! Money is not why I do photography though and for several very good reasons. There really aren’t many photographers that will get rich from photography, it is my hobby first and escape from work, and my photography is about what is important to me not what sells.

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Photography: What's Your Purpose?

Photography: What's Your Purpose?

I have been practicing photography for around five years now. During these last five years, I have become a better photographer, but I would say that when it comes to creating meaningful art, I have only just begun. While images don’t have to be meaningful, I do find that having a purpose behind pressing the shutter makes the process more fulfilling.

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Photography is about Mindset

Photography is about Mindset

While practicing photography is a great activity and I find pleasure in it most of the time I am not able to do it all the time and that is ok. I have a day job which means I am not able to go out and do landscape photography whenever I want. The good part of this is that even if I had all of the time in the world, I wouldn’t be able to do landscape photography all of the time because it takes a mindset to be quality photography.

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Professional vs Amateur Photography

Professional vs Amateur Photography

Photographers love to talk about and dream of the title of being a ‘professional photographer’. It stems from what I believe to be a pipe dream of ambition to break free from a more monotonous life. This ‘professional photographer’ that we all idolize is someone who shoots all the time, has the best images, makes a ton of money, and has all of the gear. This daydream is just as false as it is dangerous to our amateurism in photography. Plainly put, being a professional photographer isn’t all its cracked up to be. Let me explain…

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Social Responsibilities of Landscape Artists

Social Responsibilities of Landscape Artists

We, as landscape photographers, are artists and lovers of nature. It puts us in a very unique situation where we must serve the social responsibilities of both. This includes avoiding doing harm to the environments we enjoy, helping to protect them, and providing value above that in the art we create.

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