Fine Art

Seascapes - A different approach

Seascapes - A different approach

There are many options to photograph on the coast capturing images of seascapes. It is all too easy to understand the golden light from sunrise/sunset works well and shoot ultra-wide images including the sea, sand, and sky. This is a limiting frame of mind to be in though as it takes the entire day of landscape photography and boils it down to 1-2 hours at the beginning and end. 

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Top Ten Images of 2019

Top Ten Images of 2019

A lot has happened in 2019, but much of it hasn’t been photography related. I haven’t even purchased any new photography gear in an entire calendar year! In my personal life I have gotten married, moved, and earned a promotion. We got married in Hawaii, which is a great photography location, but the trip was not meant for taking landscape images. So, while I haven’t really done anything major in photography in 2019 it doesn’t mean I wasn’t able to capture some really nice images!

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How long will our art be around?

How long will our art be around?

We all have different goals and ideas of what we want our images to be. Many photographers are content allowing their captures to be memories or a simple photograph for themselves and their immediate family to enjoy. I can certainly see how this can be a healthy approach to your photography! However, there are still photographers out there that desire for their art to be upheld on a larger scale, and to perhaps be revered as masters of photography.

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Don't Be Like the Louvre with Your Living Room

Don't Be Like the Louvre with Your Living Room

When it comes to art, everyone has their own tastes. The colors that we like and subjects that are portrayed in which we may connect with change with who you are as a person. You can like different mediums with paintings, drawings, photographs, sculptures, etc… However, the most consistent variable that people have a preference for is the size of the works.

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Acoustic Art!

Acoustic Art!

I appreciate a nicely designed room as much as the next person, but I also am a believer in an acoustically sound room designed room as well. The way things sound throughout a house is a new focus on the modern home. We have drifted towards the use of open floor plans and getting rid of the carpet, and in the process created large echo-chambers that aren’t ideal for sound.

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